Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The race goes on

Based on the current results, it appears that Obama will take North Carolina by 14 percent. However Indiana is much closer, going to Clinton by four points. So in other words, nothing changes. Obama is still 150 delegates ahead but has insufficent delegates left in the field to take the nomination by party vote. It's going to be a long spring and summer for Howard Dean et al. Short of McCain dropping dead, he's got an excellent chance of winning the White House. In what should have been a landslide democrat year, the DNC seems determined to deep six it's shot at the highest office in the land.

Not all is going the republicans way. Denny Hastert's seat was lost to a democrat and a Louisiana seat held by the GOP for 70+ years. Stay tuned for further fun...

In historical matters, The Hindenburg went up in flames 71 years ago.

In other news, Chernobyl is getting a new shield, hope it works better than the last one.

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